10 marzo, 2010

There are only a few things that help me remember that CEM is just a normal human being like the rest of us

  1. The way he flinched & cried a bit when he got his lip pierced.
  2. The way he blushes & looks down whenever a ETF song comes on the radio.
  3. The fact that he's ticklish absolutelt everywhere on his body.
  4. The way he cried at the end of 'Beauty & The Beast'
  5. The fact that he can't help but smile when I remind him about that day we spent at the beach, no matter how depressed he is.
  6. The way his face lights up when he finally finishes a song he's been working on.
  7. The way that, no matter what, he can make me laugh.

Honestly, I frequently forget. I end up being in complete awe at something incredibly simply he's done. But really... isn't that what love is?

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